If you are seeking to experience the open air the way it is supposed to be experienced and to get some physical exercise, hiking may be for you. You can even use it as a cheap approach for touring and experiencing new countries. There are many backpacking tours to help you plan your trip, otherwise you can go ahead and do it yourself.
The only disadvantage to relying completely on a travel agency is that they generally do not have much expertise in regards to hiking. These industries tend to be more well versed in the sightseeing opportunities as opposed to the physically demanding parts. I wrote this article to help people learn more about what they need to have a successful hiking trip. I?ll talk about things like backpacking backpacks and other gear you will need to have a successful trip. After reading this article you should have enough information to have a nice trip planned out.
First of all, you will want to make sure you have the right backpack. After all, you really can?t go backpacking until you look into getting one of the many backpacking backpacks on the market.
There are two options you can choose from when purchasing a back pack. These are the internal frame pack and the external frame pack. Although the external frames are heavier than the internal ones, they do tend to hold more. Internal frame models are very lightweight, but in addition to holding less, they usually offer less support.
Determining where you will be traveling is the next most important thing for you to do. Wilderness hikers will most certainly need a backpacking tent or some other form of lightweight shelter. Like backpacking backpacks, you will want to look for something that is lightweight and easy to use. Get something that can be quickly setup and taken down.
Other issues to consider are water storage containers as well as water purification devices. You may want to bring a device for boiling water you find near your campsite. Either this or you could use iodine tablets to quickly purify water.
Trekking sticks may also be useful to the outdoor backpacker. Tough terrain becomes much easier when you have four points of contact with the ground, rather than just two. You?ll also find them quite useful at taking some of the stress off of your legs during long hikes.
Just remember to get the right backpacking backpacks and to fill them with the right gear and you can?t go wrong.
Source: http://athing2know.com/travel-and-leisure/backpacking-advise-for-the-new-backpacker
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