Not a few women who suffer pain menstruation prior to and during the bolanania. Medical community refers to this as a symptom of AIDS prior periods before menstruation or menstruation syndrome (PMS).
PMS is divided into four groups based on symptoms.
Type PMS (concern)
Women who suffer from these symptoms, usually prior to the arrival times of menstruation will suffer from anxiety, depression become more sensitive, taut, light, as shown by his feelings.
These symptoms usually occur because of the amount of estrogen and progesterone in the body of unbalanced. And encourages an increase of estrogen the emergence of these symptoms. Usually given medical services albrogstron hormone treatment to relieve symptoms.
Because the symptoms of PMS metal magnesium deficiency of vitamin B6. I suggest people consume many vegetables and fruits are high, as well as reducing the consumption of coffee fiber.
Type PMS c (carving)
Are symptoms of excessive hunger, and we urge consume food sweet. However, due to excessive consumption of sugar, and increases the production of insulin and hypoglycemia include dizziness, emerging palpitations, fatigue and sometimes followed by syncope occurs.
Therefore, we recommend that if your appetite increases sharply during menstruation, you must copy the consumption of fruit wesiorlh. Foods containing omega 3, magnesium will help a lot to the recovery of symptoms of menstruation when patients.
Type PMS h (haybrhidrishn)
This is one of the symptoms of most in both the above symptoms. Patients may experience swelling or edema, such as arms and legs, breast pain.
This happens because the levels of salt and sugar in the body of water at a height of this mobilization of tissue cells to occur. Decrease in consumption of salt and sugar in patients with food consumed will reduce the symptoms of PMS type h
Type PMS d (depression)
As the name suggests, is the most noticeable symptoms experienced by those suffering from depression. Is depression crying sadly, easily, as well as abuse and confusion suddenly forgotten, as a feeling of wanting to commit suicide.
Vitamin consumption by boat helps to reduce the symptoms of pain a lot when menstruation on this one. Support from the environment to maintain a sense of the sufferer, will be advised who is clear from the case, will be able to through this stage easily.
Finally, will reduce the consumption of foods that are healthy and health advice, all symptoms of the disease.
Recognition of symptoms of menstruation pain. :: Not a few women who suffer pain menstruation prior to and during the bolanania. Medical community refers to this as a symptom of AIDS prior periods before menstruation or menstruation syndrome (PMS). PMS is divided into four groups based on symptoms. Type PMS (concern) Women who suffer from these symptoms, usually prior to the arrival [...]
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